MUSHROOMS and MDMA: How a Guided Psychedelic Trip Helped Me Find Safety in My Greatest Fear


DISCLAIMER: This is an account of a personal experience. In no way, am I encouraging the use of illegal substances. What I AM encouraging is for you to open your mind, do you own research, and ultimately follow your personal callings in life. You’ll hear them, once you make the space amidst all of the “other” noise.

The calling came last fall.

I began spotting different varieties everywhere, as close as my own backyard. King Alfred’s cake, Turkey Tail, Haymower’s, even Fly Agaric, also known as Amanita Muscaria, known for its bulbous, bright red cap, pocked with white flecks. It’s something plucked straight from a fairytale. I was driving downtown near the hospital when I saw a flash of red through the passenger side window in my periphery. I circled back. It was incredible. Over a dozen of these little anomalies had sprung from the ground at the base of a tree…next to the sidewalk…just below the hospital, which was perched on a hill. I admired them and left, but they consumed my mind for the next couple of days. I began doing some research and found that they were psychoactive, containing the compounds ibotenic acid and muscimol. They are poisonous if eaten raw, but could be consumed after dried or in the form of a tea, from the dark red blood they expel when heated to a certain temperature. They are known to have been widely used by the people of Siberia as an entheogen as part of spiritual practices, but they’re most widely known for their use as an insecticide in many European countries, where they are ground to powder and mixed with milk as a natural fly catcher, hence; fly agaric. Some even believe that the story of Santa Claus derives from shamans in the Siberian and Arctic regions, who visited the homes of locals in late December with gifts of psychoactive mushrooms, which they carried around in large sacks...Santa’s suit just so happens to match the color pattern of the Amanita Muscaria...flying reindeer (which were the spirit animals of the Arctic shamans)...Rudolph’s nose…????????

The following day, a friend of mine posted a video on youtube, explaining his first experience consuming a tea from the amanita. (Insert mind-blown emoji here). I had been somehow inserted into a story revolving around fungi. So, I went with it, and hopped down a wormhole online, consuming everything I could find pertaining to mushrooms.

My relationship to mushrooms up to this point was unremarkable. I knew that I enjoyed some of the varieties (which could be bought at a farmer’s market or grocery store) cooked and paired with a protein source and the “magic ones” I’d simply put in the same box as hippies, patchouli, drum circles and jam bands. I’d eaten a small amount on a particular evening in my sophomore year of college and sat on a friend’s couch enjoying the sounds of the birds outside. That was about it. I’ve always experienced fear at the thought of "mind-altering” drugs, which I now know was a product of never truly trusting myself (what’s inside) or feeling safe. I was terrified of what I’d find in there. No way...Not for me.

“I’ll most definitely be the guy who trips so hard that he ends up in a mental hospital, convinced he’s a glass of orange juice.”

In my research, I quickly became privy to a resurgence of research that was taking place regarding the therapeutic use of psychedelic mushrooms (containing psilocybin) in the treatment of everything from mood and anxiety disorders to addiction and cluster headaches. The success rates in these trials (though relatively small) have been staggering, as phase 1’s graduate to phase 2’s. It’s as as if you can hear the teeth of the pharmaceutical companies chattering…No. Wait…or is that chomping?

  • On 05/08/19 Denver became the first American city to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Per physician’s instructions, I weaned myself off of Zoloft this past December. I had never been comfortable with the thought of having to swallow a pill every morning in order to regulate my mood. Prior to Zoloft, I had been on stints with Lexapro and Paxil, both which had undesirable side-effects that I just couldn’t deal with. Don’t get me wrong here, antidepressants have their place and they help TONS of people. I know quite a lot of them. A recent poll found that one out of every ten people in the U.S. are on some form of antidepressant, so they must be doing something right, but, again…Not for me. To their credit, they helped to get my head out of the perpetual grey cloud of my first Pacific Northwest winter, but what has always made more sense to me is the thought that the earth provides the answers to what ails us. It always has...but as a society we seem to find ways to confuse and complicate this INFORMATION, then to build fear around it, and ultimately, criminalize it.

“Keep it out of the hands of the people, for it just might...change their minds.”

But what if that’s precisely what you’re looking for?

What if you want to reset that default mode network in your brain that keeps you obsessing and assuming and avoiding and creating false narratives ALL OF THE F***ING TIME, not just mask or dampen it.

In my research I found that conversations around psychedelics were circulating between comedians, actors, musicians and scientists. They boasted testimonials as to how these medicines have given them a greater understanding of life, feelings of purpose and connectedness and even brought them closer to GOD. There was a buzz around a book called “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression and Transcendence” by Michael Pollan, which hit the shelves last year. I knew of Pollan, as I’d been gifted his book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” years ago by my aunt, but hadn’t paid much attention to what he’s been up to since. As it turns out, he’s been studying the therapeutic effects of psychedelics, and in short, took a variety of them in the name of science, with the aid of GUIDES (people who hold space and guide someone through a psychedelic experience, and afterward, help them integrate what they’ve learned into their daily life). I downloaded Pollan’s audio book and devoured it over the next couple of days.

This is exactly what I need.

Michael Pollan is a well-respected author and professor in his 60’s with a wife and family. He’s a self-proclaimed “anxious type”, skeptical and reluctant in this journey, but yet, he’s done this...and not only has he lived to tell about it, his outlook on life has been transformed in an amazing way.

The doors are off.

It’s all happening.

So, I set a plan in motion. Being that what I was looking for could only be found “underground” (due to ridiculous governmental restrictions placed on medicines such as this) I was going to have to simply ask around…so I did, and as it turned out, I was only four degrees of separation from exactly the person who would inevitably guide me through the most profound experience of my forty years on this planet, well...since birth, which was an experience I was gifted with once again by the mushrooms.  

I had an introductory video call with my potential guide so that we could get to know one another and determine whether or not I was a fit for this work. I gave her the abridged version of my story and expressed my fears around all of the “unknowns" of this journey. My greatest fear being...LOSING CONTROL, which was exactly what I was going to need to do in this endeavor. LET GO and TRUST. The irony in this, is that I’ve never had control of my thoughts in the first place, so what was I so worried about? She heard my concerns and felt that the best course of action might be a therapeutic dose of MDMA prior to my mushroom trip.

MDMA (3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine) commonly known by its street name “ecstasy” was found to have therapeutic benefit by a select group of psychiatrists in the late 70’s-early 80’s, but was put on the government’s schedule I list of drugs (substances with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse) in 1985.

  • Per MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), results from Phase II clinical trials have indicated that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.

“So, the idea here is that the MDMA will provide the feelings of safety one needs…before embarking on the deep dive.” she said.

I liked this idea. It was comforting, but still, I questioned whether or not this meant that I would be in some way cheating or taking the easy way out. I had decided that this experience would need to be traumatic in order for me to heal. Fighting fire with fire. Burning the wounds, so they’d heal completely. I pictured footage I’d seen of people in ayahuasca ceremonies, writhing around on the floor, fighting off snakes and demons.

“I call bullshit on that. 

“It sounds like you’ve spent enough of your life in the depths your anxiety.”

“You don’t need to do that with this experience.”

“You deserve to feel safe."

This was exactly what I needed to hear, not just now, but throughout my entire life.

A couple of days later we had set a date to meet for the experience.

Less than a week had passed since our call, which was just enough time to transform my body into a full-blown toxic vessel of anxious energy (which was actually only a step above the typical manifestation of pseudo-heart attacks, negative thought cycles and sweating…lots of sweating).

I began building a wall of worst-case scenarios, which begged me to back out altogether.

I was waking in panic nearly every night with terrifying visions of what I was going to see on my trip. It was surely going to expose all of the darkness in my mind…all of that stuff that I spend my waking hours suppressing every day.

I had come up with a mantra, which I began practicing, as I was sure I’d need it when I was in the thick of it…

”This is knowledge…This is only temporary…”

The false narrative my brain was trying to convince me of was,  “This is not safe for you and YOU are not safe for this”.

But I continually reminded myself, “This could be the reset button you’ve been needing all of this time. It is a gift from the earth, a tool that mankind has been using for thousands of years. It has provided us with infinite information and has never led us astray.

My guide stopped by at 5:30 pm the evening before the journey.

We discussed things like; what I should expect and what I was hoping to gain from my experience the following morning. I have a tendency to over-share in rare instances of feeling SEEN, so I tipped the reservoir and let the story spill from as far back as I could remember. I had only just gotten to the part where, as an adult, the anxiety retreated inward, when I lost it.

“As a child the fear was external. I was afraid of the world around me, but as I grew older the fear turned inward...and I’ve become afraid of myself—”

Mid-sentence, the tears began to fall. I clenched my fist, pressed it to my mouth and turned my head. I couldn’t look her in the eye.

This was vulnerability.

Something that has never felt safe. Not for me. Not as a boy…and especially not as a man. So, there I was, bawling in front of this person I’d just met, as the air went heavy with the pain of my story. Every time I go back there to tell it, I think to myself, “I’ll get through it this time.” And I never do.

This was empathy.

“How would you describe what “being a man” is?

I responded with a disclaimer that I knew that what I was about to say was something that I didn’t truly believe, but it’s what was imprinted on me from a young age.

“A man is strong physically and mentally...he is a protector.”

“I know that there is strength in vulnerability, but it’s just so hard for me...It doesn’t come naturally.”

I was being SEEN.

She’s been battling through her own life journey. She’d been called by the mushrooms some time ago, felt the undeniable power of the truth and wisdom they hold, and had selflessly made a choice to devote her life to sharing this experience.

This was trust.

“The MDMA is going to allow you to have the experience of being the man you’ve always wanted to be.”

When we wrapped, I decided to go for a walk in a nearby park. It smelled wonderful. The earth, the old growth fir trees, and the hint of a campfire somewhere in the distance. Twenty-something’s sprawled out on blankets passing around a freshly lit joint. A man far past his prime, huffing his way up the steep hill of a trail, time and time again, testing endurance and mental fortitude. Dogs trotting by, heads trained low, noses brushing the ground, gathering information. A young woman holding her shoes in her hands as she quietly walks through a patch of wild dandelions as the sun lowers into its final bow over the city.

After a light dinner, I watched some TV and laid down for a very restless night’s sleep in anticipation of what was to come.


My Guide arrived at 9:00am.

I took the MDMA, and therefore, part one of the journey began.

“It’s going to take a little while for the medicine to take effect, so we can just relax and talk in the meantime.”

And gradually, my story weaved its way into the conversation again.

Here is where I found myself confounded. Based on what I knew of “ecstasy” I had expected some sort of pulsing ultraviolet urge to grab a pair of glow sticks and noodle my body around to an EDM soundtrack, but nothing of the sort occurred.

There was no pivot point or clear marker as to when the medicine took affect.

It was seamless, like I had just slipped on a new pair of shoes.

All I knew was that within a half hour’s time my body felt warm and I had a sense of confidence that I’d never experienced before. I was no longer in my head, questioning or framing what I was about to say. I was quite simply BEING MY MOST AUTHENTIC SELF. I spoke frankly about all of the things that forever clog my throat...those moments that blast me out of a cannon into childhood as if a day has never passed. I was no longer tethered to these moments. They carried no weight. I was honoring them and appreciating their value. I was aware of the power they held, but unaffected by it.

I felt SAFE.

It was nothing short of remarkable.

I boldly stepped right into that overwhelming, unexplainable fear I had as a child and the experience of never feeling safe, not feeling like I could trust people. Feeling that my fears, insecurities and vulnerabilities were invalid, unacceptable, and just downright disruptive. The thoughts I had that I was an overly-sensitive nuisance, which was validated by teachers and others close to me. The feeling of having so much to say, but not having a voice. The feeling of turning the metaphorical lock and shutting everything in, only for it to swell and multiply and inhabit every cell of my body. The feeling that expressing emotions (as a boy) was unacceptable and weak.

I was able to explain parts of the inner-dialogue that runs through my mind.

“I’ve always kind of thought that I’m not going to live long, you know, because my heart is perpetually racing.”

“I’ve always compared my heart to that of a small bird.”

I rapidly tapped my pointer finger against my thumb.

“Their hearts are constantly this.”

At 10:30 am I took the mushrooms. Four grams, ground and boiled with Lemon ginger tea.

It had an “earthy” taste, which I kind of enjoyed. It tasted like I thought it should…natural, and bitter.

We continued to talk.

We talked about children.

“Ryleigh and I have no plans to have any.”

“Why is that?

“Because there is so much pain in life…and it’s

She asked me to say aloud some of the things I’d have liked to have said (had I felt comfortable enough) as a child.

“I need to know that it’s ok to feel this way…”

And then the medicine began to take hold.

“Sorry…I’m having a hard time talking.”

Translucent geometric shapes began to play on the wall behind her, framing her face in structured patterns.

“Why don’t you lie down now.”

She clicked on a thoughtfully curated playlist as I stacked the pillows and tucked myself under the covers.

“The eye shades are here, if you feel like you’d like to go deeper at any point.”

The sunlight leaking through the shades on the French doors was growing brighter, flaring into white streaks, as if my eyes were a lens, pointing straight at the mid-day sun.

The Edison bulb hanging from the rafters above my head began to grow. The glass, expanding, as if it were actively being blown into a larger shape.

All-too curious as to what I was missing “inside”, I grabbed the eye shades and strapped them on. I rested my hands on my chest and without any hesitation…LET GO.

The MDMA had allowed me to step out of my own way. My anxious self was somewhere on the perimeter, nervously picking at the grass, quietly feeling lost, without anyone to control.

  • The following is my journey as best as I can recall (and put into words)

My hands and feet began to move in explorative gestures, as if I’d never used them if they were completely new to me.

I was in the womb.

It was dark, with a reddish-orange glow.

It felt warm…and safe.

I began to feel my connection to the earth and everything within it...All of the plants, animals and people. The only way that I can put it into words is that THIS WAS LOVE. The purest, most absolute and genuine love I’ve ever felt. It was overwhelming and warm. It was a gift.

Being that I’ve always been obsessed with the racing and thudding and skipping of my anxious heart, I quickly noticed that I had no feeling of it at all. I knew that it was there and it was healthy and good, but the feeling of it was insignificant.

And I trusted that feeling and it felt wonderful.

As I floated in a state of absolute bliss, my body rhythmically swimming under the covers, I heard the distressed call of a crow outside. I remember wanting to say something…to acknowledge that this animal was in trouble, I felt its fear. I felt guilt for existing in such a safe place of joy and wonder while the bird was in a panic outside.

My left hand began slowly rising from the bed, with what felt like no effort of my own, as if I was a marionette, with the conductor of the universe pulling the strings. My palm facing forward, fingers arched back.

I noticed that my right hand was clenched tight onto the covers resting on my chest.


“Your left side...your creative free and your right, the logical side, is holding on.” she responded.

“What does that mean to you?”


She validated my feelings with a comforting “Yes” and in that moment my right hand let go and slowly stretched its way out to the side. My left arm stretched out in time with the right, and before I knew it I was drawn open to impossible lengths, my back arched, chest pressed toward the sky, and then suddenly, but fluidly, my head slowly turned from right to left, my chin lowered to my chest and I felt life transition to death, as my body shriveled and decomposed into the soil, becoming part of the root system of a massive, old, evergreen tree. I now had a new voice, which was that of the tree, a couple of octaves lower than my own.


Profound fundamental truths of life and the world began to flow through my body.




This was accompanied by a feeling of “How did I not know this?


“What’s that?”, she responded.


I remember this moment being quite funny to me, being that I was thinking in text acronyms.

I laughed to myself.





I let out a sigh, which felt like it had been trapped in my body for decades.


Another life cycle began in the womb and continued out in the world with an undeniable feeling of connectedness. I began making clicking and chirping noises, which were part of a universal language understood by ALL living creatures. The feeling here was harmonious, safe and filled with LOVE.

Connections, connections, connections. WE are ALL connected.

I was now part of a Native tribe, which had chosen me as their protector. Once again, my arms stretched out wide, but this time I had grown to what felt like a height of 200 feet or more.





The feeling was one of raw power and vastness, as I watched over my people from the sky.

I could hear the beating of their drums all around me.

I began drumming on the bed. I asked her if the music could be changed to something with more drums. I felt a primal need in my core for the deep thud of tribal drums. She warmly obliged.



THEY, meaning, our country’s leader and all of the other crooked men in power with all of their toxic politics that have been actively marching us backward in time.

This was followed by a deep sense of loss, as I assumed the pain of the Native Americans.



The cycle of life ended with my sense of self (the totem) toppling over, being cast in stone and sinking into the ground to become part of the soil once again.

Again, I felt an all-encompassing, deeply powerful connection to the earth, but this time I had assumed the pain of the earth from the destruction that us humans have caused.



I thought about all of the animals we share the earth with. I thought about the feeling I get when I look into my dog’s eyes. I could see that sweet, innocent look of unconditional love in her eyes…a look that says “Please keep me safe.” The same look that resides in the eyes of a child. I pondered these parallels.



I thought about the fight-or-flight network in my brain.

“SHE (my dog) IS AN ANIMAL”


“Animals react to Realistic threats”, she responded.



This was the “A-HA” moment, where I could truly see how dysfunctional my brain’s hard-wired reactions to stress are. It all made so much sense. It’s not that I’d never thought of it in this way, but this felt different. This felt like there was an active change occurring…pathways re-routed. Could it be possible?

I pressed my fingers into my sternum. There was a latch there.



She laughed, “Then, why don’t you open it?”



Why are we on a battlefield?, she responded.

It was one of the most simple, yet profound questions I’d ever been challenged with, and immediately, I knew the answer.


It was beautiful…the feeling that I didn’t have to fight any longer…that I was safe.

This was exactly why I had come here to this place…to this person.

It was as simple as that. I’d turned the latch to the locked position a long time ago in an attempt to keep myself safe. It was all I knew…and now so many years have passed by, and all this time I had accepted that it was meant to be closed for my protection.

I smiled and nodded my head “YES”.



Fundamental truths. These were what I was being shown.

They were simple. They were true. They were everything.

I could see where the trauma of my story had spread far and wide in my body.

It looked like a network of mycelium glowing white throughout its entirety.

This was when things got emotional.

There went my of EGO.

It felt like the top of my head had been blown off and a vast surge of energy was being sucked upward by a giant vacuum. It felt wonderful.



The surge grew stronger and then…nothing.


I had now assumed the pain of my mother and father as young parents. The hurt of knowing that their child was terrified of the world.



I gripped my shirt in my fist and writhed around, fighting the emotions as they flooded in.

“I can see you trying to swallow it…Let it go.” she said.

And eventually I did.

And I cried what felt like a life's worth of tears, and then, just as with all of the transitions in my journey, and all of the lives I’d lived, there was that warmth of LOVE.


I could feel my parents’ LOVE for me and it was overwhelming. I was so grateful for them.


I could see the whole of my thoughts in this moment. It was like peering into my own brain.


The whole of my thoughts began to speak to me.


“They’ve always been there.” she replied.


None of the “bad” stuff that I thought was at the forefront of my brain was even there. All of the negative thoughts I obsess over all the time were even there…

I was again a part of the earth. I could see my fellow beings, who’d deceased before me, now mycelium, spreading and growing upward toward the earth’ surface. I warned them not to breach the surface into the outside world.



The outside world above the soil was my own backyard and (as my guide quickly deciphered after all was said and done)…it’s dangerous…because I am up there, mowing the grass and running around with my dog, and nothing that sprouts from the ground is safe.

I began pulling the covers away from me, as if it were an embryonic sac, then pulling them close, and then pulling them away again.


I was struggling with whether to stay underground or breach the surface and grow in the outside world. This moment was packed with metaphorical content. It’s safe in the womb and under the soil. The outside world is unsafe.

“I’d like to invite you to sit up now, so you can see how that feels.” she said.

I sat up and removed the shades. My eyes flooded with white light, as the realization rushed through me that I had just breached the ground into the outside world…

and everything was O.K.

I was still safe.


We went for a walk in the park to discuss my experience. Being amongst the trees felt like it never has.

I felt connected to them.

I felt connected to everything.

Everything was existing harmoniously.

We parted ways after a bit and I spent the next few hours in the park, simply BEING in nature. I moved from tree to tree, sitting on their massive roots. These makeshift seats provided for us...inviting us to get close, to communicate. To feel their strength and knowledge. I laid in the dirt on the pine cones, letting whatever felt inclined to fall on, crawl over, or scurry around me.

This was contentment.


My guide stopped over at 10:00 am for our integration session.

I checked in as to how I was feeling and what my hopes and expectations were now that I’m leaving the nest. She generously shared some of her own story to help validate my feelings and experience. She stressed the importance of boundaries, now that I had opened myself up in a way that I’d never done before. We agreed to continue with follow-up work as I continue my integration. I left with a deep sense of gratitude for how kind these medicines had been to me, and for my Guide, who provided such a safe, thoughtful, and empathic space for my experience.


It’s been just over two weeks.

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel completely lost during the first couple of days back. There was so much information to make sense of.

Everything felt different…clearer, but staggered.

My perceptions...shifted.

It's as if I’d just swapped brains with the person I’d always wanted to be...a guy who’s unafraid of vulnerability, who can live authentically, as he is.

A guy who feels confident enough to offer support to others.

I trust myself.

After a lifetime of isolation, I feel comfort in (and crave) connections.

I am no longer quick to judge, but rather, have compassion for others, having seen that ALL of us want nothing more than to feel SAFE in this world.

I want to share what I’ve learned. I want to help people. I want to provide a safe space for people to share their story and to be SEEN.

I have a newfound excitement around my potential for contributing to this earth.

My NEW purpose.

My anxiety feels completely different. It’s transformed from a chest full of angry bees to a belly full of warm honey.

I am making healthier choices. My cravings for sugar, caffeine and alcohol have simmered.

I’m processing feelings of anger and disappointment more easily.

And on top of all of this…the pain I’ve had in my right knee for the past few years (which I had x-rayed and treated with a cortisone shot last fall and felt no relief from after $400) has magically disappeared.

Still…there is much work to be done.

This new narrative needs to be nurtured and encouraged. I need to continue to trust myself and when the negative thoughts come (and surely they will) I need to let them float to the top and burst, not to let them envelop and suffocate me.  

A day after returning home I was shaving my head in the shower, and as I guided the razor with one hand, I realized that I had been gripping the blade guard between the fingers of the other hand the entire time. It was serving no purpose, but to tie up a free hand for no particular reason.

I thought to myself, “Why am I holding onto this?”…and never has such a mundane passing thought been so charged with irony.


It was 2006

There I was 

Eyes closed

Hands raised in worship 

In a Mega Church in suburban Detroit

Tears welling in my eyes 

Letting it all go

Feeling something other than what the other sixteen waking hours of the day typically beheld

Which were; cycles of obsessive negative thinking 

Overwhelming feelings of doom and dread 

Flanked by guilt and shame 

Most of the time it felt like an enormous, wet blanket was draped over my head

I’d grab fistfuls of it 

Pulling it upward 

Bunching it in my arms 

Only to be overwhelmed by its infiniteness 

Other times

It was like there was a diffusion filter covering the lens of each of my thoughts 

Each one darker than the last

And try as I might, to move the slider to lighten the image

The screen was forever frozen 

I leaned into different schools of thought 

Perhaps in healing the body, the mind will follow?

Perhaps I can physically chase away the demons by running?

Perhaps it’s as simple as replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones?

Perhaps I need to surrender to GOD and let him guide me out of the darkness




I’ve never been suicidal 

But I’d be lying if I said that there weren’t times when I’ve felt 

Indifferent to death

Not much of a care either way

The way I saw it, I was a dysfunctional version of a person with a head full of awful thoughts 

I had a hardware issue, most likely, unfixable

What good am I to this team, anyhow?  

I’d spend hours roaming the aisles of health food stores

Studying products

Buying supplements and vitamins and snake oil

Praying for even a glimpse of a placebo effect

I rummaged through the Psychology and Self-Help aisles of local bookstores


Desperately combing for strands of hope in texts

Accounts of others like me

Who’d found a way

Who’d persevered


I found a book called “White Bears and Other Unwanted Thoughts” by Daniel Wegner, a Harvard Psychology professor, which was Based on Ironic Process Theory, also know as Ironic Rebound or “The White Bear Problem”

Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.”— Fyodor Dostoevsky, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, 1863

This book both enlightened and terrified me 


This is what happens

Like an autoimmune disease

My brain is constantly attacking persistent negative and terrifying thoughts 

Trying to suppress them

But the more my brain attacks, the more frequent the thoughts appear

And the stronger they become 

And so the battle RAGES ON 

And on 

And on

And on


Becoming a fixture in my brain

Like that dated sconce in the hallway from the 90’s that no one likes 

There was comfort in knowing that this was “a thing” that people struggle with

And it wasn’t just me 

And I wasn’t going crazy (yet)

And Maybe

Just maybe 

There is a way to retrain my brain and put an end to this madness

But there was one massive flaw in my plan to understand who the enemy was and fight back

And that was… 



But LOST wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling 

In fact, it was all-too familiar

It was a feeling that has been a part of me as long as I can remember

Impressively reinventing itself throughout the years

Like an aging artist, in an attempt to remain relevant 

As long as I can remember, I’ve had an unhealthy fear of the world.

Curious to the point of madness

Terrified by things I had no power over

I was the kid staring out the window at the summer storm

Unable to focus

As the ominous clouds move in

Shades of grey and black

Carrying thunder and rain 

Fully convinced that this is the part where I die. 

In this prison 

With a teacher I don’t trust and a bunch of other kids I hardly know 

Because whatever THAT is 


Is so much larger than any of us can ever imagine 

And should it choose to?

It might have its way with all of us

Point being…this place is terrifying

That fear waxed and waned throughout my childhood

Becoming manageable, almost nonexistent for a handful of years 

Years when I was doing what I most loved, which was  playing BASEBALL

My Dad had spent countless hours with me

Honing my craft as a pitcher 

It became my life…my obsession

I had never felt more confident than when I was on that mound

I wanted the BIG games, the BIG hitters, that final out

I ran toward those moments

Ones brimming with risk and pressure

Because I had learned a skill, and that skill had become second nature

Like tying a shoe or riding a bike

Throwing strikes became natural

The motion

The feel of the stitches on my fingers 

The feel of the dirt under my cleats 

The feel of the moments inbetween

All of it

Complete composure

When I think about it now it’s nearly impossible to believe that there ever was a time when I would have run towards a stressful situation with an unbridled confidence that I would succeed

But of course…that didn’t last

I can’t drive a nail into a certain date when the switch was flipped

But when I was thirteen I had what would be my first experience of a panic attack

In public, while reading passages at the altar as part of my church confirmation 

I’d never felt such helplessness in my life

My face ran red with embarrassment 

It felt like someone was dropping hot coals down the back of my shirt

I was sweating profusely



Reading, but not comprehending

Quivering the words into the room as the faces of the congregation looked on with pity

Where was God for this one?

That was all I could think.

Stuck in the irony of it all

And from that day on, this new manifestation of my ANXIETY has squatted, like a deadbeat tenant in its free studio apartment in my brain


And Growing

Ever-more powerful

Fueled by all of the awkwardness and forced social interactions of the teen school years

I went from being the kid who proudly participated in class to the kid who was terrified of being called on

Any semblance of attention in a group setting meant my face was going to flush, fire truck red with the heat of a ghost pepper

And so I began acting out

Class clown kind of stuff, but it was all an offensive front, because I thought if I could receive attention on MY terms and get a laugh, then maybe I wouldn’t be seen as “the kid who gets awkwardly red and weird any time any one looks at him.”

I took to wearing shirts in layers, as to hide the sweat that pooled under my arms

I DREADED school

Often, I tried faking sick so I could stay home and even went so far as to try making myself sick at times

I became an actor


Never to be seen on stage in an organized production

But to be seen everywhere, by everyone, in the day-to-day 

I was playing the part of SEAN (15-18 yrs, confident, bold)

The guy who’s got his s**t together

When in reality I was SEAN (15-18 yrs, anxiety-ridden, hates school)

But if you ask any man of any generation, all I was doing was simply “Sucking it up…and BEING A MAN”

It was exhausting 

At 18, my Dad was on a ship in the middle of the ocean, fighting in a war…and here I was, praying that I wouldn’t be called on to speak in front of the class

What a (insert inappropriate insult to men which is also offensive to women HERE)

But when it came time for Freshman baseball tryouts I was there

But I’d left my confidence somewhere on one of those trails I used to walk out in the woods, to remind myself of what a quiet mind felt like

I couldn’t throw a pitch to save my life. 

Everything had changed 

My mechanics

The form

The motion

I thought about each pitch before I threw it 

Everything was forced 

I had no accuracy

No speed

The coaches were rightfully…unimpressed 

I wasn’t the guy they’d heard about 

The big, tall, fireball throwing fourteen-year-old who was called up to pitch in tournaments with the Big Boys in senior Babe Ruth  

I made the team, but didn’t play much

Did some time in the outfield and a bit at first base

I had no enthusiasm for the sport any longer, because I couldn’t pitch

I hung up the cleats after that ninth grade season

And that was that

The end of my baseball career

I had just assumed that I’d play all through high school and maybe even into college 

That was the dream, at least 

To this day, I have dreams about pitching

And it comes up quite a bit in therapy 

Because quitting baseball was a pivotal marker in my life

I was admitting defeat  

This was when I realized how much more powerful my anxiety was than I

Something that I had done so effortlessly for over a decade to this point


Just like that

I couldn’t “fake it to make it” as a pitcher

But still…the show went on

I started playing the drums and joined a band

I played soccer

And somehow I got nominated for Homecoming court, which I’d obtained insider-information regarding (from a friend in student council) prior to the big assembly

For days I carried around a stomach full of rat traps

I talked my two best friends into a plan to sabotage my own nomination at the assembly, in an attempt to spare myself the critical embarrassment, which would come with the attention of having my name called and having to stand in front of the entire school

It was an easy sell…because my friends were up for any/all shenanigans

When my name was called during the assembly, I pulled a nylon skeleton mask over my head

My friends sprung from their seats in the bleachers in Bill Clinton masks, ran to my side, and, as if kidnapping me, rushed me to the stage where I received my award and sat (in my mask) next to my fellow nominees for the entirety of the assembly

The stunt was wildly successful

Not only did we get some laughs and applause, but we didn’t get in trouble and I didn’t have to sit in front of the entire school with a boiled lobster of a face, suppressing a full-blown panic attack

These are the lengths I would go to, to avoid situations

It was that, or skipping school altogether that day

My anxiety has worn different masks over the years

Sometimes its nothing more than a general avoidance of social situations

Sometimes it feels like I’m actually “losing my s**t” and going completely MAD

And Sometimes it shape-shifts into full-blown DEPRESSION 

With the obsessive negative thinking 

A dampening of feelings and emotions

And, let’s just say…a 50-60% dip in overall quality of life 

This is where the water levels rise 

And your toes still touch the bottom

But just barely

So you lean your head back

And, you push off, one foot at a time

To keep your mouth above water, just enough so you can breathe

This is where, somehow it feels perpetually like night, even when the sun is blinding your eyes

Around 2006, when my depression was at its worst, 

I felt I’d run out of ideas…and options

I pushed aside all of my conflicted thoughts and feelings on religion 

And I made a desperate decision to hand over the reigns 

I joined a mega church 

And threw all of my cards in 

I began faithfully attending two services a week

Then I joined the “singles” group

And out of that; a bible study group

I auditioned to play drums for the church band 

I began listening to Christian radio

Calling into early morning prayer lines

I filled a trash bag with all of my “BAD” “secular” CD’s and DVD’s and tossed it in the dumpster of my apartment complex

I started wearing t-shirts made by Christian clothing companies with crosses and biblical messages hidden within large, gaudy graphics 

I discovered metal bands with a positive message of grace 

I quit drinking 

I even stopped cussing

I was going to “parties” where people were doing nothing but having “fellowship” over sodas and snacks

I was attending “outings” to play laser tag and ride go-karts

It all felt kind of childish…like middle school, but I just decided that this is how these people do things, and I accepted it for what it was…fellowship

I attended my first “dry” New Year’s Eve party, and oh yeah, I even danced…sober

And in all of this I had found a sense of belonging to something larger than myself 

These people I was hanging out with were “Good”, wholesome people on the scale that I had created as a child, which measured everything on a basis of GOOD vs. EVIL

These people leaned ALL THE WAY to the GOOD side

They were empaths

They volunteered in their community

They had fun without alcohol or drugs

They were somehow even immune to gossip 

I was reading scripture before bed and talking to God throughout my days



I was in THE CLUB

The one where everyone punches their ticket to Heaven

While all of the others lay their tracks down an endless, spiraling trail to HELL

I had somehow weaseled my way in

…And that’s exactly how it felt

Because I knew I WAS A FRAUD

I had abandoned my friends that had been there for me for decades up to that point

As if I were an addict in treatment, fearing a relapse of “secularism”

Because hanging with THEM meant that I’d be drinking and smoking and searching out shallow, meaningless hookups at bars 

Slowly I was becoming Holier Than Thou

I looked down upon the people in my life who didn’t care to know Jesus 

I felt sorry for them

Because when the time comes, they’re heading to the basement on the elevator while I’ll be cruising to the penthouse 

I knew that this NEW LIFE was doing something for me 

But what?

And at what cost?

This took some time for me to understand

Because in my mind…

How could I go wrong by joining a community of “Good” Christian people and building a closer relationship with God?

What was wrong, was that I wasn’t being MYSELF

I was being a version of someone I thought that I was supposed to be since I was a child

Someone who didn’t teeter in that grey area between Sinner and Saint

But who tipped the scale ALL THE WAY to Saint and kept it there

I had formed an opinion at an early age that “Good" didn’t reside in bad people

And that “Good” people didn’t do “Bad” things 

It’s embarrassing for me to say, but that was a lesson that I didn’t truly learn until I was grown, with the aid of A LOT of therapy

So, once I began to feel something resembling normal again, I slowly began distancing myself from the church and its community

It felt like I’d just asked God for a loan

He provided the amount I needed 

And I took the money and ran back to my heathen life to indulge in sin with my heathen friends 

But it was more complicated than that

I was left to reflect on this radical turn I’d taken into this alternate universe 

Where I was Sean (27, the wholesome, fun-loving Christian)

A dedicated follower and brother in Christ 

When in reality, I was SEAN (27, confused, depressed, desperate) 

A reluctant follower in search of something…ANYTHING

Never truly believing that the church is where he is meant to be 

This isn’t a jab at organized religion because I’ve seen first-hand, what it does for people

How it enriches their lives and gives them purpose

And it had served a purpose for me as well

That purpose being…a refrain from incessant misery 


I felt bad about dissolving into the ether, in regards to the friends I’d made at the church

But, in all honesty, I couldn’t think of another way to do it

I had to disappear into thin air, the same way I’d shown up out of thin air

I reconnected with my old friends

I allowed myself to have a drink 

I allowed myself to listen to non-Christian music again (THANK GOD)

I allowed myself to cuss again, which is important to me because I LOVE WORDS

Most importantly I allowed myself to be ME again

But a ME who felt a deeper connection to the world and all of the living things around me

I continued my conversations with God…not a Holy Trinity or Jesus or anything that came from a book, but God, just the same

God is in ALL of us

And we ALL live in the grey area

God is in WORDS

Most definitely, in these words 

And dare I say…God is in a swear word, spoken in context at the right time and place

But how does this all add up?

Well, it doesn’t

It’s messy, but it’s LIFE


And so is yours

There have been many therapists on this path the past fifteen years or so

Some who were no help at all

Some who scrambled the picture even more than it already was

And some who I would consider HEALERS in my life

There were a couple of “shrinks”, a few counselors and a psychoanalyst before I landed with a therapist who could truly SEE me for who I was

They held differing views, offices, affiliations and credentials 

Some…I went to every other week

Some…once a week

And one in particular…THREE TIMES a week

They’ve all played a role in this 

They’ve all been educators 

Some took notes

Some gave homework

Some crinkled their brows 

Some sat silently 

And others scribbled on prescription forms and handed them over 

So, where does that leave us today…

Well, I’m happy to say that, due to the help of an amazing wife, a supportive family and a wonderful therapist I’m (currently) in a good place.

I’ll never be so naive to think that my Anxiety has finally decided to vacate the apartment

I know that we’ve been cast as a dysfunctional on-screen couple, in which I’ll be forever filing divorce papers, but somehow, I’ll manage.